is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that has been around for thousands of years. It is used to relieve pain, enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well-being. Tiny, sterile needles are placed gently on specific points connected by pathways or meridians, to simulate the flow of energy- Qi- and restore balance to the body.
Disruption of the energy flow can cause disease. Applying acupuncture to certain points is thought to improve the flow of Qi, furthermore improving health.
It is a safe, painless, drug-free therapy to treat a wide range of conditions.
How does acupuncture work?
It works by re-establishing the proper flow of qi and blood through the meridians so the body can successfully communicate and carry out its functions normally.

What can I expect from acupuncture?
Your first treatment will include a detailed health history, some basic physical exams, and your acupuncture treatment. Most of the time you can remain fully clothed, but wear loose-fitting clothes that allow access to your legs up to your knees and arms up to elbows.

Eat your normal meals, because acupuncture can lower blood sugar levels. It is best to avoid alcohol on days when you get acupuncture.

Thin sterile needles will be inserted into various acupuncture points. You will lay on the treatment table for about thirty minutes after needle insertion. You can do regular normal daily activities after treatments.

There is a sensation when the acupuncture needle is inserted, but it is not normally painful. Most people report feeling very relaxed and often fall asleep during treatment.